Ternary Chittagong hill Tracts in Chittagong Division. The Districts are Bandarban, Rangamati and Khagrachari . www.hilldistrict.blogspot.com,palash.cibs@gmail.com,palasbd51@yahoo.com,https://twitter.com/Palashbrua1122

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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Shanti Bahini (Before Story of the Peace Forces)

The Shanti Bahini "Peace Force" was the name of the armed wing of the Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (United People's Party of the city Hill Tracts) in Asian countryit's considerend associate degree insurgent cluster in the Asian country.The Shanti Bahini was created out of principally members from the Chakma tribe

Shanti Bhahini
Shanti Camp
Hill check
Villages Rounds  

the freedom of Bangladesh in 1971, Manabendra Narayan Larma established the Parbatya Chattagram Jana Samhati Samiti (PCJSS) on February 15, 1972, looking to manufacture an association speaking to all the tribal people groups of the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Larma was chosen to the Bangladesh Jatiya Sangsad, the national assembly of Bangladesh as a competitor of the PCJSS in 1973. At the point when Larma's proceeded with endeavors to make the administration perceive the privileges of the tribal people groups through political dialogs had fizzled, Larma and the PCJSS started arranging the Shanti Bahini (Peace Corps), an equipped compel working in the Hill Tracts region. 

It was framed in 1972 and battled for a long time against the administration.Shanti Bahini started assaulting Bangladesh Army guard in 1977. They did the hijacking of regular citizens and coercion. Larma and his revolt drive continued battling Bengali interruption into tribal territories. Being the fundamental pioneer of the PCJSS and the Shanti Bahini, Larma therefore remained in isolation from government security strengths. In any case, factionalism inside the PCJS debilitated Larma's standing and he was killed on November 10, 1983. On 23 June 1981, the Shanti Bahini assaulted a camp of Bangladesh rifles, executing 13 pilgrims. They caught and afterward executed 24 individuals from Bangladesh rifles.In the 1980s the Government of Bangladesh begun to give land to a large number of landless Bengali pilgrims authoritatively. Numerous pilgrims were compelled to move to secure areas in light of the rebellion, surrendering the land they were given and which was then assumed control by tribal groups. On 29 April 1986, Shanti Bahini assaulted Bengali pilgrims and done a slaughter. In the assault, 19 Bengali regular citizens were executed. On 26 June 1989, the Shanti Bahini torched towns where occupants had voted in Bangladeshi decisions. In 1996 Shanti Bahini kidnapped 30 bengali pilgrims and executed them. 
Shanti Camp
Shanti Bahini Forces
Shanti forces


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