Ternary Chittagong hill Tracts in Chittagong Division. The Districts are Bandarban, Rangamati and Khagrachari . www.hilldistrict.blogspot.com,palash.cibs@gmail.com,palasbd51@yahoo.com,https://twitter.com/Palashbrua1122

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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Chittagong Hill Tracts: Land, individuals and culture -3

The old Rangamati town was submerged under lake water and another town must be assembled later. The lake is brimming with fish and gives offices to cruising, swimming, and skiing. There are additional offices for calculating and short excursion by Sampan - the nearby name for nation vessels. The reaches or slopes of the CHT rise steeply looking significantly more amazing than what their tallness would suggest and stretch out in long restricted edges. The most astounding tops on the northern side are Thangnang, Lang lang, and Khantiang while those on the southern side are Ramu, Taung, Keekradang, Tahjindong - 4632 feet, most noteworthy in Bangladesh - Mowdok Mual, Rang Tlang, and Mowdok Tlang. The valleys of the CHT are secured with thick-planted backwoods. The vegetation is semi-evergreen to tropical evergreen ruled by tall teak trees. The characteristic vegetation can be seen best in the Rain-khyong valleys of the Bandarban area. This area gives profitable wood which is utilized for different purposes, other than providing wood and bamboo for the Karnaphuli Paper Mills and the Rayon Mills arranged at Chandraghona. Here a traveler might be fortunate to perceive how colossal logs of wood are being conveyed to the plain by the subdued elephants. The occupants of the CHT are for the most part tribal and their life is amazingly entrancing. The Greater part of them are Buddhists and the rest are Hindus, Christians, and Animists. In spite of the servitude of religion, components of primitiveness are firmly shown in their ceremonies, customs, and regular daily existence. The tribal families are matriarchal. The ladies people are more persevering than the guys and they are the primary gainful constrain. The primary control of the general population of CHT is agribusiness. 

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